A great Israeli gift for teachers and students at the end of a school year!
At the end of the school year, we offer respectful, honorable Israeli gifts (and great discounts on bulk orders!)
Got a modest budget? This is a great gift!
The book 70 Faces of Israel and Israel in Aerial Photography make great Israeli gifts for youth delegations abroad, student exchanges, sports delegations, students, guests from abroad, and more!
The German Minister of Education and his entourage visited a high school in Rishon Lezion.
In our books we have up-to-date and spectacular photographs of the beautiful land of Israel including the beautiful cities, nature and agriculture!
Yossi Vardi enjoyed the book and said it was a "great idea and very well done!"
A gift that strengthens ties with Israel
This book comes in English, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, and French (combined with Hebrew)
Branding a gift with a logo or with a small greeting will always remind those special people of you when they see this book. It also creates the sense that the Israeli gift is personal and special 
Contact us for details and advice in choosing the perfect gift!
טל' 09-8650068